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  1. It's been a great day at St Peter's Christmas Fair. Our Goldenford books did a brisk trade. From the personal point of view, Noontide Owls certainly seems to be hitting the right note: I'm delighted by the interest shown in it. The picture shows Jackie talking to customers - not the best of pictures, I'm afraid, but the best of a bad bunch I tried to take - it was hard to find a space between the comings and goings of customers!


  2. I've just returned from a very successful book signing event at Waterstones to promote Noontide Owls. Not only did they run out of copies of the book, but I also sold their remaining stock of Darshan. So hopefully they're pleased and will order in masses more, as well as recommending me to their other branches.

    The writing of the book's the easy bit, but we writers prefer to hide ourselves away with our computers, rather than being 'proactive' (to use a bit of current jargon) by trawling the store for likely-looking punters. These days, though,  it's all part of the game. You have to be prepared to do the marketing if you don't want to languish in obscurity. I must admit, the customers in Waterstones were friendly and approachable so it was actually fun to talk to them and tell them about the book. And I had plenty of Owl badges and bookmarks to help them on their way.

    Now I'm exhausted and will spend the rest of Sunday relaxing - may even break open a bottle of rosé to help me unwind...

    Oh, by the way, did I say? All three of my novels are now available on Kindle. See the Links page of this website.

    Joe took this of me at Waterstones. As you can see, I was nicely placed at the foot of the escalator, so no escape for the poor customers who tried to flee up to the next floor!
