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(November 19, 2011)After my sell-out signing day at Waterstones in Guildford last Sunday, I can report another excellent book event today at the Cranleigh Arts Centre, this time with my Goldenford colleagues.
The Coven, as my daughter calls us, consists of Jacquelynn Luben, Jay (Jennifer) Margrave and Yours truly. We ran the second of our workshops for aspiring writers: ‘Mapping your Story.’ Thirteen people took part - plus the three of us and our indispensible marketing manager, Frances. As you can imagine, we were kept busy – so busy, in fact, that I totally forgot to ask Frances to take some photos, so no pretty pics to brighten up this entry.
All the participants responded to our ideas with an impressive display of talent. I would take off my hat to them (except that I don’t do hats) because I could never write as spontaneously as we were asking them to do. I remember in my early writing days attending a creative writing class. Whenever we were asked to produce a paragraph in class I froze. My brain simply doesn’t work that way. I can’t perform to order so all power to those who can. I have to hide away and agonise before I can record anything at all. Even this blog is taking me ages…
Tomorrow the Coven is in action again – this time we are taking our splendid stable of books to St Peter’s and Merrow Grange School Christmas Fair. Come and visit us between 12 and 4 pm – we’re in a classroom – too late to book the hall, but that’s okay – you’ll be able to browse our books at leisure and chat to us without being overwhelmed by bustle and noise. It should be a fun day. Look forward to seeing you.
PS If you can’t manage tomorrow, we’ll be at the George Abbot School Fair next Sunday – 27th and you can catch us then.